πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡¬ SG long-term care costs calculator πŸ₯

How to use

Select the fields below and the calculator will give you an estimate of the long-term costs of caring for your loved one.

Based on your responses, your monthly cost might be:

${{ monthlyCosts }} / month

Based on your responses, your one-off costs might be:

${{ oneoffCosts }}

Based on your housing type, you might be able to receive this much in subsidies:

${{ housing || 0 }}


We are just a bunch of ordinary folks who thought it would be helpful for people to have a sense of what the costs of caring for someone might be. We noticed that the information available was disparate and hard to find, and we thought to put together a tool that can at least give people a sense of the costs they have to deal with. This calculator is imperfect, and you can help us refine this by going to this form and fill in the information as best as you can here.

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